I have decided to make a list of people who mean the world to me, and that I feel so blessed that God has placed them in my life. So, each day I will blog about a different person and try to explain how much they mean to me, and try to give them just a glimpse of how much I appreciate and treasure them. :)
Today is my momma, June Elise Haptonstall. Although we don't always see eye to eye, I know without a shadow of doubt that she is always looking out for my best interest. We have been through some rough times (especially in my high school days, I call those my "rebellious" days), I was stubborn and stupid, but my momma stuck with me through it all... she never gave up on me! For that I am eternally grateful, and if I haven't said it enough already, I am so sorry for all the grief, sadness, and hurt that I put you through during those days. My hope and prayer is that you look at me now, and see that I have fully learned from those mistakes and can see that they helped mold me into the person I am today. I also pray that you see me as a growing woman of God, and that you hold me accountable for my faith. I love you so much momma!
She has carried me around in her womb for nine months, felt all my little (sometimes big) stretches and kicks, kissed all my scrapes and boo boos, hugged me just because, protected me from harm, watched me sing my little heart out in church performances, cared for me when I was sick, taught me right from wrong, was there for EVERY band and choir concert, seen me at my worst and seen me shine brighter than the sun, watched me fall and then learn from my mistakes (probably later than she had hoped for), cheered me on in the stands for every half-time show and contest, told me what I needed to hear and not what I wanted to hear, watched me follow in her footsteps as Drum Major, encourages me to do my best, and loves me unconditionally.

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