Friday, October 8, 2010

Daddy's little girl

Today is my daddy, Marcus Lee Haptonstall. :)
God has blessed me with a daddy that I know will always support me, encourage me, pick me up when I am down, make me laugh, help me in any situation, and love me unconditionally.
How does he do each of those things? Well, let me tell you:
-Support me: My family has been so blessed to be able to live off of one source of income, and that is my daddy's job. We all know that girl's are expensive, and I am no exception. He has supported me all of my extracurricular activities (which cost a lot of $), such as choir, NHS, PALs, basketball (in junior high), and especially band (which I was involved in for 7 straight years... there is the instrument itself, band fees, uniform, shoes, etc). He has been there for every choir or band concert or contest. He has supported me through the 4 mission trips I have been on, in and out of the country. Most currently, he is supporting my college education.

-encourage me: To never settle for less than I know I can achieve, to reach my full potential, to follow my heart, to always give 110% in whatever I do, and to never give up.

-pick me up when I am down: Last year, I had an emotional break-down about whether or not OT was right for me, and if I should transfer to A&M (his alum), because that is selfishly where I wanted to be. He was right there to tell me that God has so clearly placed on the path to OT and TWU was exactly where I was supposed to be. He told me that he was so proud of me for what I doing with my life, and he told me that no matter where I went to or graduated from college he would be proud of me! Whenever I struggle with not feeling pretty, he is always there to tell me that I am so beautiful and God created me in His perfect image. Now, I know that is a daddy's job, but I know with all of my heart that he means it with all of his.

-make me laugh: My daddy used anti-facebook & texting... not so much anymore! My family calls him a "closet facebooker", because he likes to get on my mom's facebook and randomly talk to her friends so they think it is her. Also, when he texts he likes to abbreviate everything! "You're welcome" = YW; Old Fellowship Hall = OFW; Angry Birds = AB; Thank you = TY; Pizza Hut = PH; even my friends, such as Rachael = RK (K is her middle initial); Anna Bailey = AB; and the list goes on and on. My dad and I love to pick on each other, I guess you could say it's our way of expressing how much we love each other. :) Ask anyone who is ever around my dad and I, we are constantly picking on each other. Lol. When he gets mad or is talking about something that he is really passionate about, his eyes get REALLY big, and they look like they are about to pop out of their sockets. Haha. Also, my daddy will strike up a conversation with a doorknob, and he thinks that you are supposed to talk to people while you are in the elevator. Who does that?? MY daddy! :) Lol.

-help me in any situation: Throughout junior high and high school, my dad was my math teacher. Math has never been my strong subject, and the majority of my math teachers were not very willing to help those of us who needed help. One time, I was driving back from somewhere, it was at night, and I got lost... While I was freaking out, I called my dad, and he was able to calm me down, tell me that everything was going to be alright, and he helped me get back home.

-love me unconditionally: read everything about, that explains everything. If it doesn't, just come hang out with us, and you will be able to tell. I love my daddy with all of my heart, and I know he loves me too! Love is more than that just telling someone you love them, it's actually SHOWING them you love them, and that's exactly what my daddy does :)

I hope and pray that this gives you just a glimpse as to how much I love my daddy. He means that world to me. He is one of the people who have helped mold me into the person I am today! I will forever be my daddy's little girl. :)


  1. I love you dad and I only met him once!!! And we were already picking on each other within five minutes! :)

  2. Yeah, that was hilarious!! I was so embarrassed at the time, because I didn't know you very well. I couldn't believe (well, I really could) that he just chunked that candy bar at you! Haha. :)
