This week, we have spent our days at a home called La Sagrada Familia, which is the place I met my sweet little Carlita, in the birth to 3 year old room, last year.

Carla is one of the sweetest little 2, now 3, year olds I have ever met! Each day I saw her last year, she would come running towards me with open arms. Every time she smiles, my heart melts a little more. I could look into those deep brown eyes for hours and hours.
Earlier this week, Giuli asked us if we had any expectations coming into this month, and I said no because I am extremely bad (or good) at comparing things so I wanted to come with an open mind and heart ready for God to work in whatever way! Well, this week brought to the surface an expectation I did not even realize I had... On Monday, we were not able to go to the babies room because we were painting the 4-6 year old boys rooms. However, we did go on Tuesday only to find that she was not there, but Guili told me that she was in the 4-6 year old girls room when she came here last month. So, I still had high hopes to see my precious little Carla again. When we walked into the 4-6 year old girls room later that afternoon, I found myself constantly looking around for my deep brown-eyed little girl. I asked Giuli where she ways, and she asked one of the other little girls where Carla was, and she told her that she had left the home. Immediately, I felt myself sink into sadness, but I had to hold myself together for all the other sweet girls vying for hugs and kisses.
Later in the evening, when we were back at the hotel, I pulled up pictures of Carla, and tears just started streaming down my face. I am selfishly sad, but genuinely happy for her because she is now back with her family. This is a crazy mix of emotions that I have never experienced before. That night, I prayed so hard for God to ease this pain in my heart and replace it with joy. I truly believe He answered my prayer the very next day through another precious face, who could seriously pass for Carla's little sister...
Thank You, Jesus for placing this sweet little baby in my path and for blessing me with the opportunity to hold her and play with her. She is the little angel You sent to ease my heart. :)
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