Why do we feel like we have to be perfect before we can come to Jesus? Why do we so often try to hide or cover up our cracks? What if we changed our perspective to be transparent and vulnerable about our cracks because that means that You can step in and SHINE through those cracks. If we came to You perfect and complete, that would leave no room for You to receive Your rightful glory, and we would be boasting in ourselves. Jesus, I pray that You step into my cracks and shine Your light brightly because only by Your grace am I made perfect and complete.
Use my cracks to bring glory to Your name.
Use my cracks to bring glory to Your name.
"Then this message from the Lord came to me: 'Family of Israel, you know that I can do the same thing with you. You are like the clay in the potter’s hands, and I am the potter.' This message is from the Lord." -Jeremiah 18:5-6
"Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."
-James 4:10
-James 4:10
"If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness."
-2 Corinthians 11:30
-2 Corinthians 11:30
Awesome! I like this a lot! :)