Sunday, March 17, 2013

That Moment

That moment when you realize that you've been fighting on your own
That moment when you realize that you've been pretending all along
That moment when you realize that you've been carrying the weight on your own
That moment when you realize that you've reached the bottom of the pit
That moment when you realize that you are crying so hard you can't breathe
That moment when you realize just how weak you are
That moment when you realize that you can no longer keep pretending that everything is okay
That moment when you realize that you can't fight this fight on your own
That moment when you realize that you are not strong enough and you never will be
That moment when you realize that there is no where to turn but to the cross
That moment when you realize how desperately you are in NEED of Jesus
Jesus, help me to constantly turn to you in prayer and thanksgiving.
Jesus, help me to never forget that moment.
Jesus, help me to live in that moment.

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